Motor Boatin' Bloggin'
How to Re-board a Jet Ski
August 23, 2021
At Motor Boatin, there are two things we firmly believe in—having fun on the lake and being safe on the lake. Those two are not mutually exclusive. It is possible and easy to do both. On occasion, when you are riding one of our jet skis, you may end up in the water—hopefully, that’s because you decided to stop somewhere out of the way and take a dip in the lake to cool off.

Whatever the reason is, you will need to get back on board eventually. So, what’s the best way to do it? Allow us to show you the way.
For starters, you need to wear your life vest at all times—when riding and when swimming. It’s not only the law, but it is common sense—swimming in a lake can quickly exhaust even the fittest of individuals. The engine must be turned off because you are boarding from the rear where the thrust nozzle is located. You should have turned it off before going in the water, and if the lanyard is properly attached to you, it would have cut the engine had you fallen off. (If you capsized the ski, look for a decal at the rear of the craft that will describe the direction to turn the craft to an upright position. Follow that direction to prevent damage to the jet ski.)
To board, position yourself at the stern (rear) of the jet ski. Never try to re-board from the side because you could flip it over on top of you. There is a handle located at the back of the seat. Reach up to grab it with one hand.
Then, using the handle pull yourself up and place one knee on the surface of ski followed by the other knee. Once you are steady, stand up and place your legs around the seat like a saddle and slowly walk your way toward the front. Sit down at the handlebars and when ready, re-enter the lanyard in its slot and restart the jet ski. If you are riding with others, do not restart the ski until everyone is onboard and seated.
For more safety tips, check out other blogs on this site. To make your jet ski reservation, click here. Then, you can have a safe, fun-filled day out on the lake.