Motor Boatin' Bloggin'
Cold-Weather Boating: What to Wear
January 2, 2022
At Motor Boatin’, we believe that Triangle residents should be able to enjoy boating all year long even during the wintertime. To do this, it is important to wear the right gear for the winter weather so that boaters stay comfortable throughout their trip – thinking ahead is key. This blog post is dedicated to sharing our five favorite clothing items for cold-weather boating.
Before we begin, we should note that it is ideal to have all your clothing items be waterproof from your headwear to your shoes. This ensures that you stay dry which ultimately affects your warmth.
Here are five clothing items you’ll need for your next winter boating adventure:
- Fishing hat: You should pack a hat that covers both your head and your ears from the wind and cold air. Extremities of the body are especially vulnerable to the winter weather.
- Neck gaiter: A neck gaiter can keep both your neck and face warm and protect your skin against the harsh weather conditions. These can also be used in the summer to fight sunburn, making them an all-year boating accessory.
- Layered jackets: While jackets are an obvious essential, it is also important to grab lots of layers. For example, one might wear a Gore-Tex materialled jacket on top with a wool or fleece sweatshirt underneath. Layers allow for the most flexibility when out on the boat. It is also a good idea to wear brightly colored clothing for safety purposes. If one were to go overboard, it is much easier to spot bright yellows and oranges.
- Dry suit: For those who frequently go out on winter fishing trips, you might consider purchasing a dry suit. These items not only provide warmth but also cold-water protection. These suits are known to have saved lives in the coldest of temperatures for both boaters and divers which makes these items a worthwhile investment.
- Thick boots: Not only should fishing boots keep you warm, but they should also be slip resistant. Having a heavy-duty pair of boots paired with thermal socks can keep those fishing feeling comfortable all day long.
Just because temperatures are dropping around the Triangle doesn’t mean you have to cancel all your boating trips! At Motor Boatin’, we offer watercraft rentals all year long – including January and December. For more winter weather boating questions or to book with us, call 919-800-9716 today.