Motor Boatin' Bloggin'

3 Reasons We Love Fall Boating at Falls Lake

November 7, 2022

Fall is a beautiful season and a perfect time to go boating at Falls Lake with the cooler weather! Just because it’s not a time when you are wearing flip-flops, swimsuits, sunscreen, or going swimming doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy the #lake life.  

3 Reasons Why We Love Fall Boating at Falls Lake: 

Scenic Views: Fall offers gorgeous scenic views, the leaves are changing which adds a beautiful pop of red, orange, and yellow to the waterline! Also, it is the perfect time to take aesthetically-pleasing lake pictures of the amazing views of nature. 

Fishing Season: Fall is one of the best times to fish! Also, cooler weather conditions are ideal times to fish as well. In preparation for winter, fish will be migrating and feeding a ton! Perfect time to go get your fishing gear on and go catch some fish! 

Less Water Traffic: Summer is the busiest boating season but fall is the best season to boat in because of less traffic on the water which means open waterways! This is a great time to just cruise the waterways with friends and relax and not have to worry about summer swimmers and traffic on the water.  

Looking for a fishing boat? Let your inner fisherman out for an afternoon and hop on board a fishing boat rental from Motor-Boatin LLC. Check out rental availability here: